PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Friday, May 4, 2018
6th Shift (5/3/18)
Octavius 11, 340 EE.
As it turns out, the PCs in the lift cage had been saved by one of the Nine Idols' Rest scholars, one Brother Vindex. He cautions them when exiting the cage, and Lucretia nearly falls to her death before the others grab hold of her. Below, Klytus and Kai secure the llama onto the cage, blindfolding and calming it for the ascent, not wanting to leave it behind in the Flats. Then, at last they also make the ride up the cliffside. Vindex escorts them past the Nine Idols themselves, massive and grotesque statues of fell Huguelid deities, into the partially ruined structure where he and the other scholars work. He tells them that he was expecting an Imperial war balloon bearing priests and surgeons from one of the cities, not some miners from Iosyne. He then warns them that there is a strange illness which has taken hold of the reliquary, from which three residents have perished and another is potentially very sick. The PCs hesitantly bring the camel and leave it tied off in the courthouse, and then are brought to meet with two other scholars, Brothers Bibulos and Phestus.
They are brought food by a Brother Scaro, and then introduced to the eldest scholar in residence, a brother Antigenes, who fetches one of his histories and then tells them what he knows of the witch Laothoe, whose undead head the PCs exhumed earlier from a mountain prison. Laothoe was a jealous sorceress and concubine who could persuade both the living and death, and ultimately seemed to have transcended death, after murdering the five wives and a dozen children of an ancient Huguelid king Varho. She was inevitably captured and beheaded, her head and body separated and stored away from one another where nobody would presumably find them. He knows that the city this all took place in was Vulci, located somewhere in the flats. He also tells them that there has been a traveling archaeologist in Ykklesias asking some similar questions. In return for the lore, he requests that the PCs, spending the night here from a saltstorm raging outside, investigate into the strange illness, since most of the scholars are occupied or not able to physically protect themselves well. They agree reluctantly only after Kai's father No-Neck disciplines them.
They rummage through the bedchambers of the scholars, finding some interesting notes and letters that have never been sent outside the reliquary. They briefly make the acquaintance of the gruff half-breed Brother Troga. They get the impression that some of these monks and scholars are condemned, inmates here rather than functioning Imperial employees. They discover that the three corpses of the fallen scholars are missing their left eyes, and that several arcane scrolls have bone missing from Brother Phestus' record room. The PCs then interview Brother Capiton, a paladin of Sanctos, who is keeping himself in isolation from the others in case he's the patient zero. They examine the bodies and find some interesting notes and small stone carvings, one of which is the fell deity Auvla, one of the Nine Idols. With this knowledge they scope out one of the ruined areas of the reliquary, in which some natural caverns lead to a broken off series of rooms underground. They are ambushed by a pair of darkmantles in the caverns, but quickly dispatch them, despite Lucretia being knocked out. They return her to the scholars for care and take No-Neck back with them.
They head back in and find the shrine to Auvla that they have seen on the fallen Brother Gallean's map of the reliquary, and locate a small, hidden cache of Imperial currency and a vial. They decide to deface the malachite-laced obsidian statue of Auvla that they also find there, but whilst trying to topple it, hear a male screaming off in the distance of the reliquary...
PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa
Experience: 2200
Classes Unlocked: Arcanist, Cleric, Magus, Paladin, Wizard
Bibulo (human male): Bibulo is a 50 year old human with long, auburn hair streaked with grays. He has a round, repugnant face with a short goat patch, and a constant twitch to his left eye. He wears a dulled crimson robe with silver trim, on which he is constantly and nervously rubbing his hands, and has a rusted longsword on a belt-strap. A silver disk bearing a hooded man with a lantern and sword is displayed prominently over his bristling chest hairs where his own robe is parted below the neck.
Brother Troga (half-orc male): Troga’s skin is a yellowish-brown, and his flattened nose, elongated ear-tips and oversized molars seem to speak of a non human background. His black, receding hairline is tied into braids on his back, each of which is spiked with a piece of fashioned brass or bone. He carries a sling over his shoulder containing several sheafs and books, and leans on a knotted oaken staff with his other hand, to help him walk with a steady limp.
As it turns out, the PCs in the lift cage had been saved by one of the Nine Idols' Rest scholars, one Brother Vindex. He cautions them when exiting the cage, and Lucretia nearly falls to her death before the others grab hold of her. Below, Klytus and Kai secure the llama onto the cage, blindfolding and calming it for the ascent, not wanting to leave it behind in the Flats. Then, at last they also make the ride up the cliffside. Vindex escorts them past the Nine Idols themselves, massive and grotesque statues of fell Huguelid deities, into the partially ruined structure where he and the other scholars work. He tells them that he was expecting an Imperial war balloon bearing priests and surgeons from one of the cities, not some miners from Iosyne. He then warns them that there is a strange illness which has taken hold of the reliquary, from which three residents have perished and another is potentially very sick. The PCs hesitantly bring the camel and leave it tied off in the courthouse, and then are brought to meet with two other scholars, Brothers Bibulos and Phestus.
They are brought food by a Brother Scaro, and then introduced to the eldest scholar in residence, a brother Antigenes, who fetches one of his histories and then tells them what he knows of the witch Laothoe, whose undead head the PCs exhumed earlier from a mountain prison. Laothoe was a jealous sorceress and concubine who could persuade both the living and death, and ultimately seemed to have transcended death, after murdering the five wives and a dozen children of an ancient Huguelid king Varho. She was inevitably captured and beheaded, her head and body separated and stored away from one another where nobody would presumably find them. He knows that the city this all took place in was Vulci, located somewhere in the flats. He also tells them that there has been a traveling archaeologist in Ykklesias asking some similar questions. In return for the lore, he requests that the PCs, spending the night here from a saltstorm raging outside, investigate into the strange illness, since most of the scholars are occupied or not able to physically protect themselves well. They agree reluctantly only after Kai's father No-Neck disciplines them.
They rummage through the bedchambers of the scholars, finding some interesting notes and letters that have never been sent outside the reliquary. They briefly make the acquaintance of the gruff half-breed Brother Troga. They get the impression that some of these monks and scholars are condemned, inmates here rather than functioning Imperial employees. They discover that the three corpses of the fallen scholars are missing their left eyes, and that several arcane scrolls have bone missing from Brother Phestus' record room. The PCs then interview Brother Capiton, a paladin of Sanctos, who is keeping himself in isolation from the others in case he's the patient zero. They examine the bodies and find some interesting notes and small stone carvings, one of which is the fell deity Auvla, one of the Nine Idols. With this knowledge they scope out one of the ruined areas of the reliquary, in which some natural caverns lead to a broken off series of rooms underground. They are ambushed by a pair of darkmantles in the caverns, but quickly dispatch them, despite Lucretia being knocked out. They return her to the scholars for care and take No-Neck back with them.
They head back in and find the shrine to Auvla that they have seen on the fallen Brother Gallean's map of the reliquary, and locate a small, hidden cache of Imperial currency and a vial. They decide to deface the malachite-laced obsidian statue of Auvla that they also find there, but whilst trying to topple it, hear a male screaming off in the distance of the reliquary...
PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa
Experience: 2200
Classes Unlocked: Arcanist, Cleric, Magus, Paladin, Wizard
Antigenes (human male): Elderly Antigenes wears the
colors and outfit of an Imperial Tribune, with several badges of rank, but
otherwise does not bear the standard armor or armament of an Ekrysian soldier.
Instead, his arms end in cestus wrappings of ornate cloth designs, and a fancy,
bone-hilted flail is hung at his hip, which seems to catch the light from all
angles and glow near the shadows. Antigenes himself has all the folds of old
age on his face, and thinning white hair with large sideburns; but first
impressions are dominated by his bright green eyes, that burn with a strange
Bibulo (human male): Bibulo is a 50 year old human with long, auburn hair streaked with grays. He has a round, repugnant face with a short goat patch, and a constant twitch to his left eye. He wears a dulled crimson robe with silver trim, on which he is constantly and nervously rubbing his hands, and has a rusted longsword on a belt-strap. A silver disk bearing a hooded man with a lantern and sword is displayed prominently over his bristling chest hairs where his own robe is parted below the neck.
(human male): Capiton is in his mid-30s, with tightly
cropped black hair, a browning bronze skin that betrays a mixed heritage, and a
square, stubbly face. He is well over six feet and has an athletic build, apart
from a sagging gut. His face and knuckles are both pockmarked by blisters, a
few of which weep, making it look like he has tears, and his eye-whites are
reddish as if ill. He is missing three fingers off his left hand, but the other
leans upon a scabbarded longsword. He bears a silvery white robe over what
looks like a shirt of mail, and it’s embroidered with silver fireflies.
Brother Phestus (human
male): Phestus has a
balding, sun-carred head and large, brown eyes beneath a thick and bushy brow,
singed on the left of his face. He has a blocky, misshapen body and walks with
a slight bend, and his tongue lolls about his mouth when he moves. He wears
practical, dun-colored robes, and his fingers and cuffs are heavily stained
with dyes or inks. He has a number of pouches overflowing with quills, parchments
and other scribing materials.
Brother Scaro (human
male): Scaro is a gaunt
young man with a nose that looks as if it’s been broken on a number of
occasions. His skin is sallow and he has pockmarks on his cheeks and running
down the left side of his neck. His hair is feathered but wispy, and he wears a
necklace bearing a wooden owl. His robes are violet but unkempt and even
shredded in a few spots, and he’s missing both of his small toes, evident in
the sleek leather sandals he sports.
Brother Troga (half-orc male): Troga’s skin is a yellowish-brown, and his flattened nose, elongated ear-tips and oversized molars seem to speak of a non human background. His black, receding hairline is tied into braids on his back, each of which is spiked with a piece of fashioned brass or bone. He carries a sling over his shoulder containing several sheafs and books, and leans on a knotted oaken staff with his other hand, to help him walk with a steady limp.
Brother Vindex (human male, wizard 2): Vindex is
usually wearing an elaborate brass mask with built in glass goggles and a
breathing apparatus that helps him outdoors in the salt-storms on the Flats. It
also seems to conceal a heavily burned or scarred face, and he’s reluctant to
take it off even when inside. A thick burgundy cloak is drawn up over the mask,
and is tied tight down his body. He wields a fancy brass club with a single
spike on its head, and a light crossbow is slung over his shoulder with a slender
case for bolts. A sack hanging on his side seems to contain a thick tome and
other implements.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
5th Shift (1/11/18):
Octavius 10, 340 EE.
The PCs gather up supplies from the Iosyne Commissary before embarking on their temporary exile and investigation into the ancient creature that violated their minds and got several villagers killed. Happy gets a voucher for a suit of leather armor, while the rest either keep or leave behind the chain shirts, pilums and gladius they are issued by the Tribune. Timon does some shady dealing to the side, with some valuables exclusive just to him. They head to the village gate, where Sthenelaus informs them the Tribune expects them to stay away for a fortnite while he cools down the villagers, already grieving over the loss of Elfchin. They meet up with Happy's father, 'No-Neck', their chaperone, and they've been given a llama, cart and rations for a few weeks. They exit and trek off across the Flats, towards the Alpha Dig site where they plan to spend the evening en route to the Nine Idols' Rest.
Once arriving at the Dig, as evening falls, they notice a fire is lit and another torch or two are lit inside one of the supply tents. The place has been occupied by a giant hyena and a gnoll drifter. After Timon and Lucretia sneak down the ramp to the Dig to check it out, they are noticed by the animal, and attract the ire of the gnoll, who is armed with pistols, and fires off a shot at them. Thanks to Lucretia's master of the gnoll tongue, and Klytus's handsome bravery in the face of danger, a truce is met, and several of the PCs are invited to share the fire. The gnoll introduces itself as a bounty hunter, seeking out the 'Son of Vozz', and the PCs tell him of their own plight over the sharing of rum and pipeweed. The gunslinging gnoll tells them he ran across their ancient quarry at a safe distance, but his pet and companion didn't like the scent of them. The PCs offer a friendly parting, and the gnoll sleeps in the campsite, where they sleep up on the ridge.
Octavius 11, 340 EE.
During Timon's watch in the early morning, he sees the gnoll and his hyena depart the campsite. After waking the group, they look over to make sure nothing important was disturbed or stolen, and nothing was apart from a little animal spoor and fur on some of the blankets. After taking some breakfast rations, they set out northward from the Dig, with the winds picking up and whipping salt and dust around in increasing anger. After several more hours, they arrive at a cliffside face where they believe the transport lift to the Nine Idols' Rest is located. They find a wooden cage suspended 150' up the sheer face of the Saltspines, but no way to get it down until Timon discovers a mirror. After fiddling with it, Happy eventually signals up the mountainside, and another mirror wielder up top responds with a few flashes. The cage is lowered, and they decide how to divvy up weight to ride it back up.
Timon, Lucretia and No-Neck will take the first ride, while Happy and Klytus calm their llama and prepare some ties and a blind so it won't be afraid if they send it up alone. After the cage ascends about 75', half way, the group is attacked by a trio of what look like giant whip scorpions, two of which vault from the cliff-face onto the rising cage, and the other races down to face the PCs on the ground! Happy quickly smashes that one, but the others hassle the three in the cage, dropping Lucretia before Happy and Timon can dispatch them all. At the last minute, the final surviving insect is blasted by a flash of energy once the cage has hit the top of the cliff, and it plummets to the Flats below. With the PCs divided, they hope whoever made that attack is a friendly...
PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa
Experience: 1200
Class Unlocked: Gunslinger
Empress (dire hyena female): This large hyena has a thick head, rheumy red eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp, powerful teeth. A long mane of black, bristly hair rides down its shoulders and all the way to where its tail begins. It has a patch of fur singed off its left flank that appears to have been branded and tattooed with a series of pawprints.
Gnazz Blytebrow (gnoll male): A tall figure wearing a ragged duster and a
broad-brimmed leather hat wrapped in a band of what looks like leopard fur. Its
own face bristles with whiskers and you can see the gleam off sharp teeth, and
even sharper eyes of a greenish-brown hue that study you with a predatory
instinct while it takes drags off a long pipe with some sweet-smelling odor.
Its arms hang slack by its sides, and it has several bandoliers visible through
the front of its jacket.
The PCs gather up supplies from the Iosyne Commissary before embarking on their temporary exile and investigation into the ancient creature that violated their minds and got several villagers killed. Happy gets a voucher for a suit of leather armor, while the rest either keep or leave behind the chain shirts, pilums and gladius they are issued by the Tribune. Timon does some shady dealing to the side, with some valuables exclusive just to him. They head to the village gate, where Sthenelaus informs them the Tribune expects them to stay away for a fortnite while he cools down the villagers, already grieving over the loss of Elfchin. They meet up with Happy's father, 'No-Neck', their chaperone, and they've been given a llama, cart and rations for a few weeks. They exit and trek off across the Flats, towards the Alpha Dig site where they plan to spend the evening en route to the Nine Idols' Rest.
Once arriving at the Dig, as evening falls, they notice a fire is lit and another torch or two are lit inside one of the supply tents. The place has been occupied by a giant hyena and a gnoll drifter. After Timon and Lucretia sneak down the ramp to the Dig to check it out, they are noticed by the animal, and attract the ire of the gnoll, who is armed with pistols, and fires off a shot at them. Thanks to Lucretia's master of the gnoll tongue, and Klytus's handsome bravery in the face of danger, a truce is met, and several of the PCs are invited to share the fire. The gnoll introduces itself as a bounty hunter, seeking out the 'Son of Vozz', and the PCs tell him of their own plight over the sharing of rum and pipeweed. The gunslinging gnoll tells them he ran across their ancient quarry at a safe distance, but his pet and companion didn't like the scent of them. The PCs offer a friendly parting, and the gnoll sleeps in the campsite, where they sleep up on the ridge.
Octavius 11, 340 EE.
During Timon's watch in the early morning, he sees the gnoll and his hyena depart the campsite. After waking the group, they look over to make sure nothing important was disturbed or stolen, and nothing was apart from a little animal spoor and fur on some of the blankets. After taking some breakfast rations, they set out northward from the Dig, with the winds picking up and whipping salt and dust around in increasing anger. After several more hours, they arrive at a cliffside face where they believe the transport lift to the Nine Idols' Rest is located. They find a wooden cage suspended 150' up the sheer face of the Saltspines, but no way to get it down until Timon discovers a mirror. After fiddling with it, Happy eventually signals up the mountainside, and another mirror wielder up top responds with a few flashes. The cage is lowered, and they decide how to divvy up weight to ride it back up.
Timon, Lucretia and No-Neck will take the first ride, while Happy and Klytus calm their llama and prepare some ties and a blind so it won't be afraid if they send it up alone. After the cage ascends about 75', half way, the group is attacked by a trio of what look like giant whip scorpions, two of which vault from the cliff-face onto the rising cage, and the other races down to face the PCs on the ground! Happy quickly smashes that one, but the others hassle the three in the cage, dropping Lucretia before Happy and Timon can dispatch them all. At the last minute, the final surviving insect is blasted by a flash of energy once the cage has hit the top of the cliff, and it plummets to the Flats below. With the PCs divided, they hope whoever made that attack is a friendly...
PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa
Experience: 1200
Class Unlocked: Gunslinger
Empress (dire hyena female): This large hyena has a thick head, rheumy red eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp, powerful teeth. A long mane of black, bristly hair rides down its shoulders and all the way to where its tail begins. It has a patch of fur singed off its left flank that appears to have been branded and tattooed with a series of pawprints.
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Cycle of Months The Ekrysian Empire uses a calendar similar to that of modern times, save that the months are aligned more centrally to s...
PCs: Kai Flintcoat, Klytus Bassa, Lucretia Tertula, Timon Bassa Experience :
Octavius 7, 340 EE. Timon carefully checks over the pack before grabbing it, and it turns out to contain a pair of small-sized reading spe...